We’ve all been there, in front of the mirror, trying with all our might to button our favourite pair of jeans, realising that no matter how hard we breathe in, it’s just not going to work. This is demotivating, to say the least, but after crash-dieting for months or even years this could be the final straw. Start your journey to sustainable weight loss with Slender Wonder.

No quick fix

You may have found that crash diets either don’t work for you at all or you are able to lose some weight very quickly. Unfortunately, you will have noticed that this weight always comes back just as soon as you give up on the ridiculous crash diet plan. At Slender Wonder we are dedicated to treating the cause of obesity and not just the symptoms so that results are ongoing and sustainable.

Crash diets are not only ineffective but they can do more harm than good. These diets seem to trend after New Year’s resolutions have been made and again a few weeks before we want our bodies beach-ready. There is no quick fix, no matter what the glossy advert tell you. Your weight will yo-yo and eventually you’ll be back at square one.

The illusive cleanse

Whether they call it a fast or a cleanse, it is not an effective weight-loss method and cleansing can be particularly bad for your health in the long-term. Most crash diets are essentially starvation diets where you restrict your body’s calorie intake and worse, your nutrient intake. Nutrient restriction and extreme exercise is unsustainable and you will burn out before you can ever see those illusive results.

Rapid weight loss can slow your metabolism, which makes future weight gain even more likely. The truth is you did not gain the weight in a matter of days, so you will not lose it in a matter of days. Weight loss is a process, so do it once and do it right – not only to look good in a bikini or to burn off the excesses of Christmas, but for your health and wellbeing.

Health is a way of life

A crash diet is just a temporary fix for a bigger problem. Your health is what is important and fitting into your jeans or rocking a bikini in the summer is just a perk. Slender Wonder promotes health as a way of life which is why we help you lose weight under the supervision of medical professionals.


Image Credit: Brady Holt at Wikimedia Commons

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